Thursday, August 4, 2011

‪Brian Terry: Semper Fidelis & Honor First‬‏ - YouTube

...Flickr MobloggingImage by Jayel Aheram via Flickr‪Brian Terry: Semper Fidelis & Honor First‬‏ - YouTube


We Will Seek Justice For Your Senseless Death at the hands of those who were supposed to be concerned with your
interest and safety to the best of their ability. Instead they negligently put you in harm's way for their twisted
corrupt agenda. Your death will not be in vain, as it will be the Ultimate Symbol of What Saved This Country At the
Control of Evil shells of weak men. Your Sacrifice Was For the Greater Good. We Will Make Sure That This is Carried
Out through the Halls of Justice. Congressman Issa is determined to Make it Right and We Support Him With All We Have
in our Heart, Soul, and Willingness to Fight For Honor as You Were and Did. God Bless You Brian Terry ~ We Will Never Forget
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